Benefits of quitting smoking
You may think you know the benefits of quitting smoking. The obvious ones are improved health, money saved, looking and feeling feel better, smelling better (in both senses), reduced risk of getting various nasty diseases, and so on.
But one of the major benefits of quitting smoking may not be so obvious. You will – if you go about quitting the right way – lose the fear of not smoking.
Don’t fool yourself that you smoke for pleasure, stress relief, something to do with your hands, or as a slimming aid. The real – and for the practical purpose of quitting – the only reason you smoke, is to avoid the panic if you think you’ve run out of cigarettes and the anxiety you feel when you want to smoke when you’re not allowed to.
Don’t just take my word for it, though. With the Symonds Method you can demonstrate to yourself . You will then be able to enjoy all the wonderful benefits of quitting smoking – without the fear.