Best Ways to Quit Smoking

This expression, or variants of it, is to be found widely on the internet. But the very expression ‘best ways to quit smoking’ is odd.

There’s only one way to quit smoking: just do it! Why should you need a way, method, technique, or ‘tool’ to help you stop doing something? (It’s true that my approach is called the Symonds Method of quitting smoking, but this is just for convenience in the use of words.)

Yet so many ‘ways’ to stop poisoning yourself with tobacco smoke are being promoted as the best, or one of the best.

I take a satirical look as some of these, including stop-smoking clinics, laser therapy, a coconut oil scam, an  ingredient-free wonder called Harmless Cigarette, and last and very much least, e-cigarettes. To encourage e-cigarette use as a means of stopping smoking – as the UK ‘tobacco control’ movement enthusiastically does – is misleading and irresponsible.

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